
Showing posts with the label Get-Sense

How to use the butterfly effect to radically change your life

You can't change a person without destroying what they were in the past. The butterfly effect is a theory that says that when a butterfly flaps its wings, it can cause a cyclone in another part of the world. In our time, this has become a metaphor for the existence of seemingly insignificant moments that change history and your fate. Let's look at an example: imagine that you are in a work environment where you are picked on and misunderstood. You are forced to take action and file for dismissal. You explain to your colleagues why you are leaving. Your colleagues, in solidarity with you, also decide to resign. Left without a job, your colleagues decide to start a joint business. They invest time and energy and eventually become competitors of the company they previously worked for. Under the onslaught of relentless competition, the old company declares bankruptcy! This is an example of the butterfly effect theory — a small, unnoticeable event can lead to huge results.

3 Signs that you need to change Jobs as soon as possible

So you work hard in the office. But you don't feel satisfied. If you feel like you're pulling every time you get out of bed to get on the subway and go to work, you're not alone. It's important to love what we do and find meaning in it. So how can you determine that you are in the wrong industry and what can you do to fix it? 1. Problem: you don't find pleasure in what you do Maybe your parents or grandparents tell you, " Hey, work isn't supposed to be fun," but they're wrong. While the point of working is to support yourself (meaning meals with friends, trips abroad, and that yoga class that makes you feel as detached as the Buddha), the work can actually be such that you can feel great. Many people enjoy their work, even if there are no such people around you. Solution: admit that you are in the wrong industry Understand that these mythical creatures who enjoy their work are actually ordinary people just like you. The first ste

Game of life: do your thoughts belongs to you or to someone else

We live in a world where everything is distorted – lies disguised as truth, and it is difficult to find the right path. It seems that there is no limit to the madness that is happening around us – ethics, morality, common sense and compassion have been thrown under the tire of profit. In this 21st century, hatred and division are widespread at all levels of society. Millions of people have turned off their humanity and disconnected it from the heart – we are a bifurcated and manic species. Fear-based propaganda Many people no longer watch TV or the main news. They know that the media completely controls our thinking and have become a propaganda marketing project for the psychopaths who control the world. The kaleidoscope of fake news and misinformation projected into our minds is designed to affect us emotionally: make us fear fictional monsters, Corona pandemic just around the corner, or an invasion from other countries. This fear-based propaganda keeps us in a state of ins

How imagination can change your life

"It is not the will, which is the first faculty of man, but the imagination." - Emile Couet Imagination, the engine of change We were born with the ability to dream. As children, we were encouraged to develop our imagination. Our perception of the world was then limitless. But very quickly, grades, competition, education, social life, orientation choices, exams, job search, and the need to win made us neglect this part of ourselves in order to lead a visible, intelligent, and formatted life. In our modern society, and in particular in the field of work, we are increasingly forced to meet the requirements of productivity and profitability. The media is responsible for informing us, entertaining us, and making us consume. So there is little room for imagination, and the inner child, in most of us, is silenced. With the exception of artists who continue to develop and Express their creativity in adulthood, childhood is the only period of life when imagination is

Art of life: how to manage time

"Time is money," said Benjamin Franklin. This is wrong! Time is much more expensive than money. Managing your time is, above all, the freedom to manage your life. Optimize your schedule, manage your time well, and be effective… All these headlines seem to give an implicit message: you should always be  "efficient"  and know how to  "manage"  your life in order to be more productive. But the number one rule of good time management is not to be effective from morning to night, but rather to have a lot of free time! The art of time management is not to get more done in a day, but to loosen the clutches that weigh down your work in order to free up time for yourself. The effectiveness of time management should be that you spend less time on things that you are not interested in, but are required to do, and more on what you like to do. So, here are some tips on how to manage your time so that your work or business does not take up more time than i

How to stay calm in the midst of Chaos

In the midst of fear and panic, it's hard to stay calm. Only a focused and relaxed approach can allow us to use our psychological powers. It's time to Wake up and use them. It is not easy to live in the midst of chaos. It's not easy to keep your balance when an assault is coming. When the wind gets through your hair and whispers messages of fear that inspire uncertainty. We are created to anticipate, to react emotionally in a hurry when there is a panic. However, the ideal in this scenario is to remain calm. In the field of psychology and sociology, we have already concluded that the word of the year for 2020 will undoubtedly be "fear". Current events already show the entire kaleidoscope that contains this term. It includes a wide range, from irrational behavior to the most integrative reactions. Those who accept fear, but decide to fight it, use active methods to solve the problem. Psychiatrist Karl August Menninger stressed that fears can be nurtu

2 Habits that reveal your true character to others

We all play roles, and this is a good thing: it is impossible to be the same person in the family, at work, with friends. However, there are two habits that betray your true character. For various reasons, we must hide from others the features of our true nature. Some believe that strange habits can compromise them in the eyes of their superiors, which will negatively affect their career. Others just don't want to spread unnecessary information about themselves. One way or another, we try to hide our true identity by playing a plausible and appropriate role in a particular group. But what happens if our efforts can be wasted under certain circumstances? What if there are habits that show our true character to people around us, no matter how we hide it. 1. The habit of looking in the mirror The habit of constantly looking at yourself in the mirror, which many may interpret as a tendency to narcissism, sometimes has nothing to do with self-esteem: often it means the op

11 Principles of the law of consistency, to achieve any goal in life

What is the law of sequence? Simply put, consistency is doing the same thing regularly or applying the same principles. Each of us has so much potential to be much better than we are. And throughout our lives, we come across a lot of amazing ideas and take initiatives for our growth and well-being. We do everything we can to get things started. But after the initial hype passes, it's often difficult for us to be consistent and stay in the flow. And in the end, we give up what we started. Consistency is a difficult thing for most people. So many great ideas and initiatives are just buried forever. So many people who have the potential to achieve a lot never achieve it, just because of a lack of consistency. We have so many positive intentions and thoughts, and we often know what we should do to improve our quality of life. If we could only consistently follow some of the vocations of our life, it could change in ways that we could not even imagine. This quick guide s