
Showing posts with the label Wapego Codes

1st on net! How to add thumbnail to files in wapego

well, one of the major downgrade wapego has is the inability to add thumbnail to files, do you believe that thumbnail can be added to files? go to file exchange at your wapego site Cpanel, upload a file, e.g opera mini 5.jar, after that, goto file storage and upload image named opera mini 5.jpg. the URL of the image may be in this form mini 5.jpg note: the id 1036784 varies from wapego site to wapego site. and its constant in all image url of your site. e.g in and the differences in the URL is 2go and facebook, are you getting my point? now in your filelist add <img src="{{name}}.jpg" alt="{{name}}"/> make sure you change my own URL to your file storage URL. if this seems complicated... comment below! make sure u like! Private messages list layout codes

Add this code to "private messages list" layout. :) <div align="left"> <div class="Bigo"> <a href="{{profile_url}}" class="{{nick_class}}"><br /> {% if unreaded %}<b>{% endif %}<br /> {{nick}}</a>: {{message}}<br/><i>({{message_date}})</i><br /> {% if unreaded %}</b>{% endif %}<br /> </div> </div>

wapego forum message layout codes

{{message_date}}<br/>{% set mtemp = author|split('"'<img src="" alt=";)"/> %} {% set msg_url = mtemp[1"> %} {% set msg_p = msg_url|split('&'<img src="" alt=";)"/> %}<a href="/forums.php?id=quote&{{msg_p[1">}}&{{msg_p[2">}}&{{msg_p[3">}}"><button>Quote</button></a>{% if api****er_id == author_id %} <a href="/forums.php?id=edit_msg&{{msg_p[1">}}&{{msg_p[2">}}&{{msg_p[3">}}"><button>Edit</button></a>{% endif %}{% if api****er_id == author_id %} <a href="/forums.php?id=delete_msg&{{msg_p[1">}}&{{msg_p[2">}}&{{msg_p[3">}}"><button>Delete</button>{% endif %}<hr/><a href="http://WWW.RAKIB33.WAPEGO.NET">share Code<