
Showing posts with the label Get-Sense

15 negative words that you should remove from your life

The saying "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" is not entirely true. In fact, words can have a huge impact on you, from affecting your self-esteem to your productivity and Outlook on life. And while you can't change the words that others tell you, you can refrain from using negative words in your own dictionary. "Words can't change reality, but they can change how people perceive reality, "wrote Jack Schafer, Ph. D., for the journal Psychology today. "They create filters through which people see the world around them." The phenomenon is recognized by psychologists as the effect of the"illusion of truth". That is, if you are exposed to something often enough, it becomes your reality. Because of this, it is important to think about the words you use. And if you remove the words listed below from your dictionary, it will have a positive impact on your life. 1. Useless "Useless" is a word

6 powerful and inspiring words of encouragement to help you rise

When you are going through a difficult time, all you need is empathy. You just need someone to tell you how strong you are and how you can handle the situation. Essentially, you are waiting for an inspiring word, a calming voice that can calm your inner storm and genuinely help with your problems. If you are in this situation, then know that you are not alone. You may feel depressed for a reason such as failing at something, breaking up with someone you loved, losing a loved one, or betraying the person you trusted the most, or something like that. Remember this-there is hope for everyone, including you. You are going to come back from all this, no matter what. That's why there is a saying: "Every dark cloud has a silver lining." Here are 7 strong quotes to help you rise at the right time: There are only two days in the year when nothing can be done. One is called yesterday, and the other is called tomorrow. Today is the right day to love, believe, do and bas

4 Signs that you are a slave at your job

Most of us understand how terrible the practice of literal slavery is. But there is another form of slavery that we do not seem to notice or care about. We have the technological capacity to feed, shelter, and provide for the basic needs and needs of all humanity. However, our economic system prevents us from living in a world of abundance that we could easily create if we wanted to, for the simple reason that money is scarce, and therefore not all people can afford a decent life. In this system, most people are forced to submit to an indentured slave owner, whether they like it or not, competing with each other for jobs that simply allow them to survive and feel financially insecure, which causes them enormous stress. If you were wondering if you are a slave to your work, these 4 signs will reveal the truth to you. 1. You feel compelled to work Work is a great activity if it is done out of love and contributes to the well-being of the world. However, most people work no

20 easy ways to improve your memory

There are many ways to improve yourself — this is both fitness and diet. But, for some reason, taking care of their appearance, people often do not pay attention to the development of the most important part of our body: their brain. Research shows that up to 40 percent of people aged 65 and older suffer from some form of memory loss. It may seem that for this age, memory loss is quite natural, but according to a study by the University of Michigan, the decline in cognitive abilities begins at the age of 20. Fortunately, research by scientists has found that there are ways to keep your mind sharp as you age and store important memories for decades. Here are some tips for those who want to improve their memory. 1. Eat a grapefruit for Breakfast Including grapefruit in your Breakfast will help you not lose your memory with age. The lycopene contained in grapefruit, a carotenoid pigment, prevents a decrease in the ability to remember events. 2. Avoid stress to improve memor

Carrots help you see in the dark, see 30 more lists of health myths

If you really want to quit smoking forever, we will guide you step by step through all the stages of quitting smoking. You will learn how to prepare, how to quit, and how to avoid relapses. You will also learn how to make it easier to quit smoking. You are probably at a stage where one part of you is getting rid of this habit and the other part is not. You may be worried that you will fail. Let's put these thoughts aside. Think about why you want to get rid of a bad habit, and this will give you motivation to succeed. It doesn't matter how much or how long you smoked. If you quit now, your body will begin to recover and serve you, even if you have neglected its health for many years. Nicotine addiction The average smoker gets about 200 servings of nicotine a day and more than 70,000 a year. Ten puffs on a cigarette, multiplied by 20 cigarettes a day, gives about 200 servings of nicotine a day. This is partly why smoking is so addictive. Your brain is constantly wa