
Showing posts with the label Lifestyle

5 Reasons to practice martial arts at any age

We all know that exercise usually has many benefits, such as improving fitness and strength. But what do we know about the consequences of specific types of exercise? Researchers have already shown that running can increase life expectancy, while yoga makes us happy. However, there is one activity that goes beyond improving physical and mental health — martial arts can also boost your brain's mental activity. 1. To reduce aggression In a study conducted in the United States, children aged 8-11 were assigned to receive training in traditional martial arts that focused on respecting others and protecting themselves as part of an anti-bullying program. Children were also taught how to maintain a level of self-control in stressful situations. Researchers found that martial arts training reduced the level of aggressive behavior in boys, and that they were more likely to intervene and help someone who was being bullied than before they took part in the training. No significant

Too Young, Too Old: When age imposes restrictions

Hiding your age is not always a symptom of the fear of aging. Sometimes it expresses a refusal to allow oneself to be tied to an age category, with all the social consequences that follow. The importance attached to age has become relevant relatively recently. A few generations ago, this data was little or no use. At present, the two urgent questions that we are asked on closer acquaintance are invariably related to our age and our professional activities. The politeness that once forbade men from asking women their age has been forgotten, and critics despise anyone who refuses to disclose it. Some consider it a rejection of aging, others-excessive coquetry, and others-a sign of narcissistic fragility. In an article entitled " at what age are we old?» sociologist Bernard Ennuyer reminds us that age is a social construction, are designed for classification and categorization of people. This categorization begins in early childhood. A child is judged "sooner or late

Live Easily, Do not Take on someone else's Burden

Not to take on someone else's burden does not mean to be selfish. You can offer help without interfering to the point of taking on the burden of others. Many of us often take on many external problems that do not concern us. We do this with the belief that when we love and value someone, we should help them, support them, and share their difficulties. While it is not always easy to maintain emotional distance in the face of others ' personal difficulties, sometimes it is necessary to force ourselves, for our psychological well-being and for our health. Obviously, we will always do our best for our family and friends, but when we cross borders and stop taking care of ourselves and our health, we are no longer useful to anyone, starting with ourselves. Think about this before you load yourself with other people's problems. Other people's problems are their responsibilities Accepting external problems and burdens as your own problems is something that is commo

Life is much more than existence

We must not forget that our limiting thoughts prevent us from enjoying life. We have to make mistakes to learn and get out of our comfort zone to find our happiness. Life is much more than existence. We all know this, but sometimes we forget it. Between the time of our birth and the time of our departure to another world, there is a wonderful stage called "life", in which you need to experiment to the maximum, until the very last breath. We all know that it is not easy to identify the positive in our existence. The various responsibilities, jobs, and, in some cases, complex personal relationships we have with others destroy the joy of life that we should all enjoy. But if we are fully aware that the simple fact of being here and now in this world is an exceptional gift, we can begin to prioritize what is really important. In this article, we invite you to reflect on this topic. Don't live the lives of others We are all part of at least three social circles:

6 tips on How to regain control of your life

When things get out of control, when things go wrong, how can you regain control? We often tend to deny the situation and do our best not to face reality. Of course, this is the easiest way to do it. The problem is that this attitude doesn't solve anything. This can even make the situation worse, especially if the problems are financial or medical. It is true that regaining control of your life may seem impossible. The good news is that you are not doomed to see everything you love fall apart. Apply the following tips in practice and create your own way out of this impasse that you are in. 1. Tell a different story about yourself Think for a moment, when someone asks you how you are doing, do you usually complain or get depressed? Or do you talk a lot about what's wrong with your life? If this is the case, and if you want to take control of your life, here are some tips. The first thing to do is change your internal dialogue and how you talk about yourself. You