
Showing posts with the label Age

Too Young, Too Old: When age imposes restrictions

Hiding your age is not always a symptom of the fear of aging. Sometimes it expresses a refusal to allow oneself to be tied to an age category, with all the social consequences that follow. The importance attached to age has become relevant relatively recently. A few generations ago, this data was little or no use. At present, the two urgent questions that we are asked on closer acquaintance are invariably related to our age and our professional activities. The politeness that once forbade men from asking women their age has been forgotten, and critics despise anyone who refuses to disclose it. Some consider it a rejection of aging, others-excessive coquetry, and others-a sign of narcissistic fragility. In an article entitled " at what age are we old?» sociologist Bernard Ennuyer reminds us that age is a social construction, are designed for classification and categorization of people. This categorization begins in early childhood. A child is judged "sooner or late