
Showing posts with the label 9jasense

How to stay away from people who don't add value to your life

Stay away from people who have stopped bringing something into your life and who today only take away your energy. Some say they are toxic people or emotional vampires. What's certain is that they don't do you any good. You feel that you should leave, but something they prevents you from doing so. Stay away from people who try to manipulate you Stay away from people who manipulate you. There are people who, when you want to get away from them, start telling you things that make you feel guilty. For example: "You are ungrateful", "Look how you thank me for everything I have done for you", "Without me you would be nothing". All these words hurt you, but you must understand that the person who is telling you is trying to manipulate you. Someone who loves you, who values you, will not talk to you that way. He will respect your decision. You have the right to distance yourself from people who don't suit you. Relationships change just

7 self-esteem quotes that creates value for you

Learning to identify all the good things that we have, to know what our strengths and skills are, is important so that we can realize ourselves in life. This is not an easy task. To value yourself is to make an effort and face your demons. Nevertheless, it is worth it. There is nothing better than accepting and loving yourself. These quotes of personal respect serve as a compass and guide us where to direct our gaze to strengthen our self-esteem. It is always helpful to have self-esteem phrases at hand to remind us that we should treat ourselves with tenderness and feed our self-esteem from time to time. 1. You deserve your love "You, like every other person in the universe, deserve your love and affection." - Buddha This is one of the phrases of self-esteem that we should remember every day. We are people worthy of love. Love feeds us. This gives us strength, security, and makes us love others. This is the fundamental Foundation on which we must build our l

22 Excuses that prevent you from living a better life

What beliefs we hold and what we believe usually determine how we act and how we live our lives. Often we unconsciously form some impotent beliefs that turn into excuses that have a profound negative impact on our growth. In this article, we will look at some of the most common excuses that prevent us from living a better life. Why is it important to stop making excuses? One of the main focuses in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is how words can program our minds. It's amazing how simple words and phrases that we usually say on a daily basis can have such a big impact on our lives. With this in mind, it's safe to say that the excuses we make to ourselves program our minds to fail and suffer. This is why it is important that we begin to consciously choose which words and phrases we use to describe our lives. The 22 excuses we will talk about are some of the most commonly used phrases and beliefs that can often be heard in society. Even some of them can hold you b