11 Principles of the law of consistency, to achieve any goal in life

What is the law of sequence? Simply put, consistency is doing the same thing regularly or applying the same principles.
11 Principles of the law of consistency, to achieve any goal in life

Each of us has so much potential to be much better than we are. And throughout our lives, we come across a lot of amazing ideas and take initiatives for our growth and well-being. We do everything we can to get things started.
But after the initial hype passes, it's often difficult for us to be consistent and stay in the flow. And in the end, we give up what we started.
Consistency is a difficult thing for most people.
So many great ideas and initiatives are just buried forever. So many people who have the potential to achieve a lot never achieve it, just because of a lack of consistency.
We have so many positive intentions and thoughts, and we often know what we should do to improve our quality of life. If we could only consistently follow some of the vocations of our life, it could change in ways that we could not even imagine.
This quick guide sets out the principles of how to be consistent in everything you do. In achieving your goals, in your start-up business, or consistency in the habits you want to develop.
If you are reading this article, chances are that you are already setting goals at some level, and you know that setting goals and making plans to achieve these goals is not everything.
The main thing is to follow these plans and be consistent in your efforts. These 11 principles of the law of consistency will help you be consistent in any field that you strive to master and succeed in.

1. Fix it if you really want to do it

Before you do anything, the most important thing is to ask yourself if you really want to do it.
Often people do things in the heat of the moment, and their decision is based on the nominal value of things. They don't take the time to think about it, and so they don't understand what it actually takes to achieve results.
Before you do something important, consider the following questions:
  • Are you really ready to accept the challenges that will come along the way?
  • Are you ready to take the course and develop all the necessary skills that you may need along the way?
  • Are you willing to take the time to do this, even if it means making some sacrifices for other things?
  • Most importantly, do you really want it?
  • What is your true WHY? Be honest with yourself.

2. Focus on one main thing at a time

Choose one thing and stick to it until it sticks to you. If it's a good habit that you want to develop, stick to one habit, don't try to develop more habits until the first one becomes part of you.
If it's a skill you're working on, focus on that one skill and master it.
If this is the start of your business, don't pursue other ideas until you've put enough effort into the first one. Once it's set up and running like a well-oiled machine, you can move on to other ideas if you want.
In short, don't bite off more than you can chew.

3. Don't complicate it — make it simple and sustainable

Many people, starting with something, get caught up in the fuss and small details. They make everything more complicated than it should be.
Remember, the key to sustainable development is simplicity.
If you go into the details at the beginning, try to do everything perfectly, and puzzle over tiny details, it will be difficult for you to hold out long after the initial hype has disappeared.
Life will hit you with its UPS and downs along the way, and if you have made things too difficult for yourself, it will be much harder for you to continue in difficult conditions.
Take a simple example: if you want to lose weight, instead of trying to find the perfect workout and count every calorie in your diet, just put on your sneakers and go for a run.
So many people are not able to start a healthy lifestyle because their subconscious mind associates so much trouble with exercise. They think it's very difficult.
You can add details and align things as you go along. But first, just get used to everything going as it should.

4. If necessary, choose the efficiency, not creativity

Creativity, of course, is necessary and has its place. But sometimes unnecessary creativity can affect the efficiency and flow of things, making it difficult to maintain in the long run.
Don't waste your creative efforts on small things, especially when you are starting out. Choose flow and efficiency in routine tasks so that you don't waste your mental energy on small things.

7 ways to enter the flow state

Reserve your mental energy and creativity for things that really matter in terms of your progress.
For example, if you started doing exercises, instead of trying new exercises every day and trying to figure out which ones are best for you, just stick to a few basic exercises and follow them.
Or, if you are starting a startup project, instead of putting all your creative efforts into creating the perfect representation of your brand in the office or turning your website into the most perfect and stylish website, focus more of your creative efforts on the products or services you are going to offer.
This is what matters most in the long run. Just create a simple office or website and get started.

5. Avoid excessive analysis

With so much information, many of us get carried away with all the details and Analytics. When you analyze things too much, especially when they are in the initial stage and don't produce many results, you get tired and eventually give up.
If you have just started training and track your progress every day in the mirror or on the scales, you will soon get discouraged.
If you are just starting a business and you focus too much on sales Analytics, you will not see what you are looking for.
Just find enough information to have a clear strategy, and then focus all your energy on achieving the goal. Don't worry if you don't get results right away. Everything takes time.
Stop analyzing too much. You will have more peace of mind and will be able to focus on achieving the best, which will ultimately accelerate your progress in the long run.
Avoid excessive analysis. Don't buy into negative thoughts and doubts. There will be times when you may doubt yourself or the achievability of the task.

6. Set realistic goals and expectations

"Most people overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in a decade"
- Anthony Robbins.
Many people, after seeing other people's success stories, expect results too soon. They overestimate what they can achieve in 6-12 months.
Things take time to develop. The success stories we hear about people who have become successful overnight are exceptional cases, not the norm.
Aim for the highest, but set realistic goals and expectations.

7. Rest to avoid burnout

The initial deception of things can make us work too hard, even to the point of burnout.
Work hard, but don't forget to take care of yourself and take your time, enjoy and relax along the way. Switch a little to refresh your mind and mood.
Take the example of a marathon runner and a Sprinter.
A Sprinter can run very fast, but only for a few minutes. While a marathon runner runs slowly to avoid exhaustion and can run for hours, having a good time on the road.
"You pour a bucket of water on a rock and it doesn't do anything. You let a drop of water fall on a rock every day, and it creates a hole in that rock."

8. Progress is more valuable than perfection

It may take a long time to achieve perfection, if there is such a thing as perfection in the human world.
When we start something with enthusiasm, our inner perfectionist usually comes out and points out all the flaws and mistakes.
All we have to do in this case is just tell this inner critic: "Shut up and sit down!»
In addition, all-or-nothing thinking is very unproductive and inefficient. We can't always give everything we can. Sometimes we have to do things at an average level to maintain consistency.

9. Learn to say NO

Learning to say " NO " is an integral part of the law of consistency. Yes, it is very difficult for people to be consistent in something, because they are always busy with things that are not needed.
Set your priorities and don't let them distract you from your priorities. If you have made a commitment to a certain thing, leave it on the priority list and say no to anything that might interfere with you.
Don't make promises to yourself or other people that you can't keep.

10. Forgive yourself for being inconsistent, and then come back

We are people, we have our UPS and downs. Nothing is 100% perfect. There will be times when you will lose consistency. Everyone goes through this.
If you think that being consistent means never wavering again, you need to change your perception of consistency.
It is good to be ambitious, but if you are too hard on yourself, it will make you feel disappointed in yourself, and then you can give up. This is actually counterproductive.
If you decide to run daily for the next 30 days and skip 6-7 days, this is normal. At least you managed to run for 23-24 days, which is better than nothing.
Sometimes life can get in the way, no matter how hard we try, and this is perfectly natural. What determines your consistency is not how well you perform, but how quickly you will return to your obligations if you fail.
Instead of scolding yourself, accept it and forgive yourself, and then get back to business!

11. Create a system and automate your work

This can save you months and most of the unnecessary hassle that can overwhelm you.
Whether you are looking for consistency in your personal or professional life, define a system instead of thinking about the order of things or the smallest details every time you do something.
When you install the system, you don't need to spend your mental energy thinking or worrying about everyday things.
In addition, pay attention to automation using applications and online services. We live in a privileged era when we have technology at our disposal. Use them as servants and give them as much work as you can.
Automation will greatly simplify your life, save you from congestion, and free up a lot of time that you can use in other important tasks.
Sow the seed today, but expect a fully developed, tall, prolific tree in the next 10 years.


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