10 srange diseases that are hard to believe are real

10 srange diseases that are hard to believe are real

If you are ready to raise your level of hypochondria, find out about these 10 very strange but real conditions, such as exploding head syndrome, sudden death syndrome, and more.

1. Fatal family insomnia makes people unable to ever sleep again
Sleep is so good that most people do it every night. But for those who suffer from fatal family insomnia, a rare disease inherited from their parents, this becomes impossible. As a result, people begin to experience paranoia, hallucinations, dementia, and other symptoms, eventually dying after months without sleep.
An inherited gene mutation is to blame.
2. In patients with marine urticaria are allergic to water
For people with aquagenic urticaria, contact with water makes daily things like taking a shower a challenge. In addition, people with this disease (obviously) had to make major life changes, including adopting a vegetarian diet to prevent their bodies from producing more fat.
This disease mainly affects women, but it is so unusual that it is not completely clear. The view that this is due to an allergic reaction to chemicals in the water, such as fluoride, has been refuted.
3. due to electromagnetic hypersensitivity, people develop a rash when exposed to electromagnetic fields
Yes, it's real. For a small part of the population, being around power lines, cell phones, and other sources of electromagnetic radiation leads to headaches, fatigue, muscle pain, redness of the skin, and many other unpleasant symptoms.
Although there has not been a clear scientific link between exposure to these signals and the symptoms that occur, this should be remembered the next time you are crazy about a weak Wi-Fi signal.
According to the world health organization, there have been enough reports of this condition to recognize it as real, but the cause has not yet been found.
4. Cotard's delusion makes people think that they are dead
Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, people with the Cotard delusion believe that they are dead or that their body parts do not exist. The fallacy was first studied in 1880, when the French neurologist Jules Cotard gave a lecture about a patient who believed that she was cursed because she could not die of natural causes and therefore did not need to eat.
She died of starvation.
Sufferers of this disease also sometimes believe that they are in hell, using the hot weather as the main evidence to confirm their suspicions.
Like many mental health problems, there is no clear explanation for this disease yet.
5. Exploding head syndrome
First of all, don't worry. No one's head literally explodes. However, exploding head syndrome is more annoying than the high school punk band of the same name.
Sufferers report hearing very loud sounds like gunshots in their heads. Without treatment, the condition can cause sleep problems.
The physical cause is not yet known, but most people with exploding head syndrome tend to experience severe stress, which may be one explanation. However, this is a kind of chicken-and-egg scenario: you would also experience stress if you heard random shots.
6. The syndrome of sudden unexplained death — a nightmare on elm street
Director Wes Craven used the idea for a Nightmare on elm street when he read a news series about young people dying in their sleep after complaining of intense nightmares. They are believed to suffer from sudden unexplained death syndrome, a condition in which people die while sleeping for no apparent reason.
Given the nature of this condition, the causes are sometimes unknown, sometimes different, but it has been observed that it mainly affects young people from Southeast Asia. The fact that their folklore involves demons who kill people in their sleep has nothing to do with it.
7. Innate insensitivity to pain does not allow you to feel pain
Real life is not a comic book, and being unable to feel pain is very dangerous, because pain is the way your body tells you, " Don't put your hand in the fire."
However, people with innate insensitivity to pain do not feel pain. And it's not a cool superpower that you can imagine. They often do not notice problems such as infections, objects in the eye, and even broken bones, which leads to serious health problems.
The reasons may be different, but usually it is another inherited genetic mutation.
8. Hyperthymesia makes people remember every day of their lives
Memories disappear for a million reasons. They weren't significant enough to make an impression, they happened a long time ago, it was a Friday night in College... the list goes on. Hyperthymesia, however, causes some people to start remembering every detail of every day of their life, usually starting from a certain date in their Teens.
This may seem like a nice party trick until you realize that anyone with hyperthymesia is subjected to such an onslaught of memory that typical mental functions are routine. In addition, adolescence is full of memories that we all wish we could forget.
There are only about 25 confirmed cases, which means that there is not enough data to study the problem yet.
9. Headaches from sex
Yes, there are people who experience severe headaches from sex. Although these headaches are usually not dangerous, in some cases they can last for several days. There are also some unfortunate people who experience headaches even from watching erotic scenes.
The cause may be a poor connection between the arteries and veins in the brain. This is a rare serious condition, but it can be really terrible, given that people usually enjoy sex.
10. Mirror synesthesia makes you literally feel what others feel
Saying "I feel your pain" is just a way of pretending that you care about someone else's problems. In some cases, however, it is literally true. Mirror synesthesia makes people actually feel the physical sensations of someone else when they see themselves being touched. Even a false touch, such as violence in a horror movie, makes them suffer on a physical level.
We all have mirror neurons, and even if we don't notice them, they work. When we see someone suddenly injured, we flinch. People with this disease probably have overactive mirror neurons.


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