[guide] How To Dev-sign A Sis/sisx File

ANNOUNCEMENT July 14 2017: It looks like all of the fuss has gotten through to Symbian Signed and we will all be able to get dev certs again once they're done with their maintenance!

Please note that as of July 2 2007, Symbian Signed is no longer supplying developer certificates to the public...

Note: If you get a date or expiration error when trying to install an app that you dev-signed, make sure that the date format on your device (Tools -> Settings -> Date and Time -> Date format) is "dd mm yyyy"!

More and more developers are openly providing unsigned beta applications on their sites. Examples are rotateMe, TaskSpy, and of course FExplorer.

DZed posted an incredible guide over on the Go Symbian Forum teaching the masses how to sign an unsigned SIS file. As most of you know, S60 3rd apps must be signed in order to be installed on a device.

Despite this guide, many people are still having troubles when attempting to sign a sis file. As such, I've compiled a slightly ammended guide that should clear up all of the question marks with regards to Symbian signing. Of course, all credit goes to DZed and Team 3G365...

Note: In this guide I will be signing an app called "xyz" as an example. When you sign a real app, simply substitute "xyz" with the actual app name.


1. SignSIS Files

2. Register an account on www.symbiansigned.com

3. DevCertRequest Tool


1. Create a new folder on your desktop containing the unsigned SIS and the two files from signsis_files.zip.


2. Open the DevCertRequest tool that you downloaded and installed as per item 3 above under Tools.

You must now create a name and an output directory for the cert request you will be creating. Give it any name and choose the folder that you created in step 1 for the output directory. Then hit next.


3. On the next screen, check No. Then next to "Private key file" browse to the folder you created in step 1 and give your key file the same name you've been using. Then click on Open.


4. Make the password 12345 and then re-enter it.


5. Populate the required fields on the next screen with any data and then click next.


6. Now you will have to add your device's IMEI number to the cert. Follow the guide in the image below and if you do not know your device's IMEI, enter *#06# on your device in the standby screen.


7. Highlight all of the "Application Capabilities" and click Add.


8. On the final screen simply click Finish.


9. You will now see four new files in the folder you created in step 1.


10. Now go to www.symbiansigned.com and log in.


11. Click on the "My Symbian Signed" tab, then click on "Developer Certificates".


12. Click "Request" under "Developer Certificates". Then browse to the CSR file in the folder you created in step 1.


Once the CSR is uploaded, simply click on "My DevCerts" in the menu on the left and you will see a link to download your newly created certificate (CER file). Save it in the folder you created in step 1.


You now have everything you need to sign your SIS file.

Open auto_signsis.bat in MS Notepad. You will see that is currently contains the following:

signsis xyz.sis xyz_signed.sis xyz.cer xyz.key 12345

Replace every "xyz" as appropriate. So if your unsigned file (and all of the files you named above) is called "MyApp", then the text in the batch file should read:

signsis MyApp.sis MyApp_signed.sis MyApp.cer MyApp.key 12345

Save the batch file (choose Save, not Save As) and exit.

Now just go back to the folder you created in step 1 and double-click on auto_signsis.bat. Your newly signed SIS file will be created in the same folder for you to install and enjoy. :) 


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