
Open Notepad Continually in Your Friend’s Computer

Just another Notepad trick to play with your friend’s system would be to set off a command which would open his/her notepad repetitively. @ECHO off :top START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe GOTO top Save it as a  .vbs  file and open it to see what happens.

Shutting Down Computer Using Notepad

Just imagine, if instead of pressing on start button and then on the shutdown button and then on the ok option, you could just double click on an icon to shut your system down. The Notepad trick code written below does just that. Just save the file as a  .vbs file, and press it when you need to shut down the system. @echo off msg * System will now shut down shutdown -c “Bye!” –s

Continually Pop Out CD Drive Using Notepad

Don’t you think it would be fun if you could play with your friend by making his cd-drive pop again and again? Just enter the text below into notepad and save it as a  .vbs file. Double click on the .vbs file to see it work. Set oWMP = CreateObject(“WMPlayer.OCX.7?) Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection do if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1 colCDROMs.Item(i).Eject Next For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1 colCDROMs.Item(i).Eject Next End If wscript.sleep 5000 loop

how to get free domain on

Hello guys, happy Sunday. today i want to teach you how to get free domain from wapeg o .com - Mobile site builder. this is not actually a trick or a strange or new that any site builder, Blog builders, Wap builders forum builders offers their users free domain (Sub Domain) io.e, The advantages of all this sub domain offered by all these site builders is that there is easy search engine optimization ( SEO ) because the domain authority and back link is very high due to the fact that many users using them the disadvantages is that its not easy to determine your traffic Using Alexa ranking and people may look down on your website that you are not even capable of buying a domain. thats the main reason why I created this post. Now back to Wapego, If you don't know is a powerful wap builder with plenty functions like PHP and twig support, forum, guest book, shout box, file exchange, blog system e.t.c but most users used

Wap Builders Review: wapka vs wapego

Few years ago, i published a post on my wapka site where i compared wapka and wapego similarities and differences so thats why fetch out the post to republish on techmedias as you know that both platform are still active. SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN WAPKA AND WAPEGO WAPSITE MAKER wapka content manager vs wapego files exchange! . wapka uploads via url, wapego uploads via url as well 2. wapka cm maximum file per upload is 100mb while wapego's own is 500mb 3.wapka cm does not support .pdf, swf, .txt, .js, .ico e.t.c while wapego accepts those formats 4. wapka has 7 different unified downloading page while wapego gat only one 5. wapka cm downloading page sometimes encounter flaws while wapego's own is flawless 6. wapka supports thumbnail, wapego supports thumbnail as well 7. wapka as unlimited space for uploading, wapego has unlimited space aswell 8. wapka files reads from kb, wapego files reads from mb 9. wapka is strict about bottom banner, there

get free second level domain name (SLD)

hello techmedias, are you tired of .tk, .ml, .ga, .cf and .gq domain without knowing that there are lot of free domains you don't know check: EXE.BZ CO.CC CZ.CC UNI.CC CO.TV etc.... free domain, its great Note: some wapbuilders like wapka and wapego do not support second level domain (SLD) launches today! become an author of music lyrics

Hello buddy, am happy to tell you that is launched today wikilyrics is a powerful lyrics catalog just like and of which we can't do it alone we need team. if you wish to join our team. send us email via