
Showing posts with the label Get-Sense

10 Superpowers That make you superhuman

Everyone wants to be a superhero, but no one wants to be bitten by a mutant spider. Still, you can be happy for yourself, because if you haven't heard, we humans have our own unrealized superpowers that are dormant in these earthly vessels that are called our bodies. Here are some superpowers that everyone has! 1. Our brain is able to generate electricity Our neurons are used to send messages to the brain, and they produce a pretty decent amount of electricity in the process. In fact, the 20 watts of electricity they produce is enough to power something like a dim lamp! 2. Our bones are stronger than steel At least up to 30 years old, our bones are stronger than most of the most durable materials in existence. They can withstand a load four times greater than concrete. Without exaggeration, our bones are actually 5 times stronger than steel! 3. We can change our mood by changing our facial expressions Oddly enough, it has been scientifically proven that facial e

10 things Ugly people needs to know

If even beautiful people find it difficult to love themselves, how can a person with unattractive features find ways to love themselves? Being human is not easy, but one thing is true: we all have beauty. Whether you believe it or not, there are people who see kindness and beauty in even the ugliest people. After all, there are ugly people and there are ugly personalities. It is better to be physically unattractive than to be an ugly person in this world. 1. Stop worrying about what other people think The first thing you need to do is change the way you see the world. Even the most beautiful people on earth fall under the control of other people. If you remember this, it's easy to go about your business without worrying about what others think. The truth is that people will judge you no matter how you look, so it's important to remind yourself that you have more to offer the world than just your appearance. We all grow and change. At some point, appearan

5 Addictions that bring misery

There are reasonable dependencies that, when properly formed, are useful for human development. For example, an interdependence with a partner or family member. A healthy need and mutual response that you build with someone significantly strengthens your emotional world. Other dependencies are bad luck. They do not contribute to your well-being. Instead, they can make you disconnect from yourself. Ultimately, they put you in the service of something or someone without fair compensation in return. In this article, we will talk about some of these dependencies. 1. Other people's opinions Depending on other people's opinions means that your behavior, likes, and desires must be determined by the approval of those around you. In other words, you don't really focus on getting recognition from others. Moreover, to be dependent on other people's opinions is to give criticism an absurd value. People often perceive this as an emotional wound that affects them more tha

12 Tips for those who want to change their reality

Live every day as an automated robot or become a Builder of your reality, where everything happens the way you planned — the choice is yours. Here is a list of 12 things you can start doing right now to improve your life. 1. Read this article to the end and follow all the recommendations It is not enough just to read the article briefly. Just as knowing what you should do is not enough. Instead, take yourself seriously and analyze your reality as you read this list of tips. Pause when you need to, take notes if necessary, and then figure out how you can start acting on this new knowledge. Most people think that success is something magical, when in fact it's just planning and executing! Don't dismiss these tips as obvious, because they aren't. Take the list seriously and you will discover how small changes will start to occur in your life. By the end of this article, you should have all the answers you need to make significant changes, so no more excuses!

How to develop critical thinking and why you need it

You will often hear the term "critical thinking" without an appropriate explanation. For example, you may remember it as something that you rated when you were in school, or as something that you were told that some people are better at it. The problem is not only that logic and critical thinking are often not described. They also often sound dry, boring, or not very practical. In truth, critical thinking skills are acquired and honed over time, helping you make good decisions, process information more effectively, and Express your thoughts more clearly. By honing your thinking skills, you give yourself a boost in both your personal and professional life. So what is critical thinking? And how can you become a better critical thinker starting today? This simple guide will provide you with an excellent starting point, looking at the definition of critical thinking and working with five methods to improve it. What is critical thinking? This is a thorough analysis, pr

25 Things to stop doing for your own good

There are many external reasons that affect the way our lives are shaped. But, there is one important detail — our life is not only in the hands of God. We ourselves put a lot of effort to be happy, or Vice versa, to ruin your life. There are several things that you should stop doing, primarily for your own good, as well as for a useful relationship with others.  1 Insist on your own opinion, as if it is an indisputable fact. It's twice as bad if you don't have proof.  2 Expect better, instead of giving up on the things you hate (work, social environment, etc.)  3 to be Nervous because of traffic jams, to lament that you forgot your umbrella in rainy weather. Shit happens, and it's better this way.  4 Think that you are more important than everyone else. Everyone has a role to play in this life, and it's not up to you to decide which role is more important.  5 Blame other people for your mistakes and problems.  6 Impose your religious beliefs on other peopl

6 Qualities that make you a better person

Have you ever thought about the qualities you admire in other people? It is often said that what we see in others is a reflection of ourselves. But how can this be true if we see someone disciplined and persistent, but still we struggle to get out of bed at the same time every day? Although this may seem like a contradiction at first glance, the qualities that you recognize in others but think you don't have are just there in you without action, waiting to be activated. We constantly choose how we manifest ourselves in the world and interact with others. Most people move through life unaware of the unconscious choices they make every moment. It is these unnoticed decisions that prevent them from embodying the qualities they admire in others. If you are so used to pressing the snooze button on your alarm clock every morning, you are bringing laziness to your character, not discipline. If you are always angry when someone stops you on the motorway, you choose the qual

7 ways to increase your brain power and tune in to success

It doesn't matter who you are or what you do, there are so many different ways you can build your mental capacity on a daily basis. Improved memory, focus, and better mental abilities are just some of the amazing benefits. This is not beyond your reach if you know what you need to do to make all of the above a reality. 1. Forget what others think People who care too much about what other people are thinking about what they are doing, never achieve success. To care about the opinions of others is to limit yourself to their beliefs, not your own. Tell me, whose opinion is more important when you pursue your dreams – your opinion or someone else's? Young millionaires have developed thick skin and care little about what people say about them. They pursue a life of goals and achievements and do not expect or require support from anyone. "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs 2. Delete the negative